CS Teacher Experiences with Educational Technology, Problem-Based Learning, and a CS Principles Curriculum
"Little is known about how K-12 Computer Science (CS) teachers use technology and problem-based learning (PBL) to teach CS content in the context of CS Principles curricula. Significantly, little qualitative research has been con- ducted in these areas in computer science education, so we lack an in-depth understanding of the complicated realities of CS teachers' experiences. This paper describes the practices and experiences of six teachers' use of technology that was implemented to support PBL in the context of a dual enrollment CS Principles course.Results from an early offering of this course suggest that (1) while CS teachers used technology, they did not appear to use it to support student inquiry, (2) local adaptations to the curriculum were largely teacher-centric, and (3) the simultaneous adoption of new instructional practices, technologies, and curricula was overwhelming to teachers. This paper then describes how these results were used to modify the curriculum and professional development, leading to increased teacher satisfaction and student success in the course."